Dehmer Strasse 58-66
32549 Bad Oeynhausen
br>Tel.: +49 5731753-0

Hazardous materials intralogistics: efficient and safe!

The intralogistics of hazardous substances poses special challenges for companies. It is important to make transport routes and process steps not only efficient, but above all safe. Because the transport, handling and the storage and retrieval of containers lead to increased accident risks. Damage that leads to the uncontrolled leakage of dangerous substances must be avoided at all costs.

DENIOS safety products reduce transport risks to a minimum and ensure safe and efficient handling of hazardous substances in your company.

Safety and ergonomics in drum handling

In many companies, hazardous substances are stored in barrels. However, the need for safe and ergonomic transportation is often underestimated. Improper handling can lead to serious environmental and health hazards: If a barrel tipping over or falling, it quickly results in damage or the uncontrolled leakage of hazardous substances. In addition, employees are exposed to severe physical stress from manually transporting, lifting or holding barrels. DENIOS offers an extensive selection of suitable work equipment to reduce the risks of the internal transport of hazardous substances in drums to a minimum.

Drum Dollys: The universal item for easy transport

Our incredibly popular drum dollys allow for easy manoeuvring of standing barrels, both within the workplace and when transporting over short distances. Thanks to their light, space-saving construction and special manoeuvrability, our drum dollys are ideal for use in areas with limited space.

To the drum dollys

Drum Trolleys: Transporting goods has never been easier

With a drum trolley, heavy drums can be transported over long distances with significantly reduced effort. An integrated transport lock (such as a belt or chain) ensures a secure hold. Some models have the option of additional functions, e.g. function for loading collecting trays.

To the drum trolleys

Drum lifters: Load sump pallets and spill trays in a time-saving way

DENIOS drum lifters are indispensable to the manufacturing process. They allow energy-saving and precise lifting and lowering of drums, which is carried out by a lifting drawbar or foot hydraulics. Standard integrated steering wheels ensure good manoeuvrability and allow transport over shorter distances.

To the drum lifters

Drum tongs: Easy lifting of barrels in hard-to-reach places

Ideal for special application situations, such as the handling of salvage barrels or the targeted lifting of a barrel from the rear row. For special barrel handling products, crane attachments or drum tongs are the means of choice. They consist of steel or flexible chain that is simply hooked onto a crane.

To the drum tongs

Forklift Attachments: Modify your forklift and save money on new equipment!

Do you need to move drums over long distances and outdoor areas? There's no need to buy new machinery for that. With practical attachments, your current forklift can be modified to meet the needs of your business. Our welded steel construction is a perfect fit for your forklift.

To the forklift attachments

Mobile Filling Stations for Chemicals

Consisting of a special plastic drum trolley with an integrated pump, the DENIOS mobile filling station has been specially developed for the flexible transfer and removal of chemicals and petroleum products at different locations. The system is easy to operate and provides users with a versatile and user-friendly equipment option.

To the Filling Stations

Products for EX zones: Avoid ignition during lifting and handling!

When moving barrels with mechanical aids in an Ex Zone (Explosion Hazardous Area), something as small as friction can create a devastating spark. That is why it is vital that you use only specialised equipment in an Ex Zones. Products such as the the DENIOS Secu Ex drum lifter have been constructed to be electrostatically dissipative, so they do not have to be grounded by a directly connected potential equalisation.

Handling small containers the smart way

The on-site transport of hazardous substances in small containers - such as canisters and bottles - requires the utmost care and attention. During transport, drip losses can occur quickly and possibly unnoticed, with which employees can accidentally come into contact. There is also the risk of spreading the leak with your feet or industrial trucks. The solution: Mobile spill trays and clever multi-function tools with which the usual DENIOS safety standards can also be maintained when transporting and handling hazardous substances within the company.

Mobile Spill Trays & Sump Pallets: Effectively prevent drips and losses

Mobile spill trays are available in different designs and dimensions. We offer effective handling and storage solutions for the safe handling of hazardous substances within confined spaces and passageways. Thanks to smooth steering wheels and optional sliding brackets, they are comfortable and safe to manoeuver.

To the spill trays

Transport Trolley Basic Model: Transport your products with ease

The transport trolley basic model is ideal for transporting canisters and small containers to filling stations. The unloading of containers is not necessary – thanks to the stable swivel basket. This is customisable for canisters from 15 to 30 litres and enables time-saving and energy-saving filling directly from the transport trolley.

To the transport trolleys basic model

Handling in the hazardous materials warehouse

Equipment for hazardous material storage and fire rated storage

Improve product handling in your hazardous materials warehouse with the right equipment: For better use of space, efficient loading or safe load transport within the warehouse.

Regardless of whether it is a walk-in hazardous materials warehouse or a hazardous materials shelf warehouse: When using the space, you have a wide range of options to adapt the hazardous goods warehouse to your needs. Ask for our complete range of equipment for efficient product handling in your hazardous materials warehouse now.

Transporting gas cylinders has never been safer

The transport of gases under pressure poses a particular risk to worker safety, as they have the potential to cause substantial injuries to both people and the workplace. This is why DENIOS provides a range of gas bottle trolleys and transport frames - that we strongly recommend for customers who are engaging in regular handling activities involving gas cylinders. Our products prevent gas cylinders from falling over, rolling away or being pushed during transport.

Gas cylinder trolleys: Handle gas cylinders safely and ergonomically

Gas cylinders can weigh over 70kg, which creates a variety of risks for both workers and production areas during manual handling exercises. These risks can be avoided with a DENIOS gas cylinder trolley, which allows the safe handling of gas cylinders without any heavy lifting.

To the gas cylinder trolleys

Gas cylinder pallets and stands: Professional solutions for large quantities

If you need to transport large quantities of gas cylinders over long distances, then you need special equipment. Carriage by forklift, lift truck or crane should only be carried out if gas cylinders are placed on specially designed transport pallets. In the DENIOS range, you will find transport frames for gas cylinders as well as crane-free gas cylinder pallets.

To the gas cylinder pallets and stands

Safely contain hazardous substances

The safe handling of hazardous substances begins with suitable packaging. Packaging must be tailored to the properties and quantities of the hazardous materials that you are handling. Whether it's dangerous liquids or critical solids - you'll find a comprehensive range of safety containers here at DENIOS.

Many of our products have a UN transport permit for legally compliant transport outside of business premises.

Dangerous solids can occur in very different forms: as granulates or in powder form, as metal residues, pasty substances or as waste materials such as cleaning rags that are contaminated with dangerous liquids. With the increasing use of lithium-ion technology, the safe storage and removal of old and possibly critical energy storage devices is also becoming an issue. You will find the right solutions in the DENIOS range.

If you work with hazardous liquids, you will need safe and suitable containers. If materials need to go off-site, you will need specially approved products to safety contain and transport hazardous liquids. From small containers, hundred litre barrels and large collection tanks, DENIOS has got you covered:

We are happy to advise you!

Whether on the phone, via e-mail or in person at your premises - we are happy to help and advise you. Get in touch with us.

Free expert advice +44 1952 811 991

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