Manoeuvring in a confined space, a restricted field of vision or a moment of inattention: BOOM and it's happened. Unplanned expenses for machinery and equipment are regularly caused by impact damage. However, expensive repairs, production downtimes or even new purchases can easily be avoided! With the right impact and collision protection, you can effectively secure your inventory against impact. At the same time, you'll minimise the risk of work-related accidents. We will show you how to select the appropriate impact protection or barrier system for your needs.
Before purchasing an impact protection system you should ask yourself the following 2 questions: What should be protected? And where should be protected?
In most cases your impact protection system must be more stable and heavier than the equipment that it has to withstand. After all, a handcart develops significantly less force than a forklift or truck. It is therefore important to clarify the potential sources of danger within the framework of the risk assessment and to choose a suitable impact protection system as a protective measure. The stability of the impact protection system depends not only on the dimensions, but also on the material and the mounting technique. More information can be found below.
The simple rule of thumb applies here: Your impact protection system must be more stable, the heavier and faster the equipment, which it has to withstand if the worst comes to the worst. After all, a hand truck develops significantly less starting force than a forklift or truck. It is therefore important to clarify the potential sources of danger as part of the risk assessment and to choose a suitable impact protection as a protective measure. The stability of the impact protection depends not only on the dimensions, but also on the material and the installation technique. You can find more information on this in the following.
Depending on whether the impact protection is to be used indoors or outdoors, different requirements must be placed on the material. A collision with equipment may damage the impact protection itself - rusting may occur when using non-galvanized steel products outdoors, which further damages the product. Therefore, you should choose a corrosion-resistant material for impact protection systems that are used outdoors. More information can be found below.
The DENIOS range of impact protection products includes models made of steel and high-quality plastic. When choosing the material, you should ask yourself what exactly the impact protection has to do. Depending on the application, different material properties may be required. In general, the larger the diameter and the thicker the material, the greater the resistance of your collision guard. If heavy and fast machines are used in your company, you should therefore use particularly stable collision protection.
When used outdoors, the weather conditions must also be considered. If a particularly robust impact protection system is required, you should choose a product made of hot-dip galvanized steel, which offers protection against rust damage. In contrast, plastic crash protection is completely corrosion-resistant - even after colliding with vehicles, there is no reason to fear rust damage. However, galvanized steel is often the better choice for outdoor use because of the disadvantages associated with plastic products due to their poor UV resistance. Plastic however, offers a significant advantage in terms of collision protection as the round shapes and elastic material reduce the impact and therefore also protect the approaching equipment.
Once you have decided which impact protection system is required according to your risk assessment, the next step is to install the system. When mounting on the floor, you have the choice between setting in concrete and screwing. Setting in concrete is more time-consuming - but this is what keeps impact protection systems most secure. If you decide to screw, you should always make sure that you use suitable screws and dowels. Pay particular attention to yielding products to a sufficient distance from the object to be protected. Impact protection which is to be attached directly to the object to be protected (for example, edge or wall protection profiles), can be screwed depending on the product, self-adhesive, magnetic or fastened by plug-in system. In any case, you should also take into account the type of installation when planning measures according to your risk assessment.
If you are looking for a solution for marking off areas, guiding people or for securing temporary hazardous areas, a shut-off system is the right choice. As part of your risk assessment, you should always check whether a simple shut-off system is sufficient for the respective application or whether a robust crash protection system is required. Shut-off systems are particularly interesting as a mobile variant to react quickly and flexibly to changing circumstances. For example, if you want to temporarily free passages or reserve parking and storage spaces. Above all, however, to secure temporary danger spots, it is advisable to always have a barrier at hand.
Different safety barrier systems can be used depending on the application. Below is an overview of the products available and information about their properties.
In our online shop you will not only find impact protection systems and barriers, but also other products to safeguard your internal processes. Here you will find more useful aids - for example emergency lighting, floor marking and additional traffic safety equipment.
Whether on the phone, via e-mail or in person at your premises - we are happy to help and advise you. Get in touch with us.
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