A full body decontamination shower provides fast first aid to minimise possible contamination of the body following an accident. They are extremely easy to use and can be wall or ceiling mounted, or free-standing. We also offer frost-proof models, for showers that are needed outdoors in cold conditions. All DENIOS emergency drench shower equipment complies with the latest EN 15154 regulation.
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Emergency showers play a crucial role in occupational safety and are indispensable in many industries. They provide rapid assistance in an emergency by removing hazardous substances from the skin and eyes. This text describes the different types of emergency showers, their equipment, the legal regulations and test intervals. The advantages of certification are also explained.
In areas where employees work with aggressive liquids or flammable materials, there is always the risk of an accident and, as a result, possible contamination of the body or eyes with harmful substances. Should an emergency occur despite all preventive measures, emergency showers and body showers are used for first aid. In potentially hazardous work areas, suitable emergency showers must be available to provide a sufficient amount of fluid immediately in the event of an accident. It must be possible to shower the body and/or eyes quickly after contact with hazardous materials or after burns.
Depending on your operational requirements, you can choose between a body shower or a combination shower that combines a body and eye shower. DENIOS offers body showers for wall mounting, ceiling mounting, over-door mounting and floor mounting for free-standing installation. Body showers are easy to operate using a pull rod with a handle. In the case of body showers with eye showers, the eye shower is activated by a large pressure plate. In body showers with hand-held eye showers, the hand-held eye shower is activated by pressing the locking release handle.
You will find different versions in our range:
Body showers - for ceiling mounting, wall mounting or floor mounting
Body showers with eye showers - for wall mounting, over-door mounting or floor mounting
Body showers with hand-held eye showers - for wall mounting, over-door mounting or floor mounting
Frost-proof body showers with eye showers - for floor mounting
Our body and eye showers are equipped with specialised shower heads for efficient and rapid removal of contamination. These ensure that the water is distributed over a large area and the degree of wetting is optimised. The automatic flow regulation system produces a standardised spray pattern and the correct spray height for eye showers, regardless of the water pressure. The even and soft water jet is optimised for rinsing chemicals from the skin or rinsing the sensitive eye area.
Smooth and intuitive operation of the emergency shower avoids serious loss of time in an emergency. Our eye showers have a large pressure plate that is pushed backwards with a simple hand movement to activate the eye shower and locks in this position. Body showers are just as easy to operate using a pull handle.
Tight-fitting dust caps prevent dirt from entering the eye shower nozzles. When the eye shower is activated, the dust caps open automatically due to the water pressure.
It must be possible to use an eye shower safely even with significantly restricted vision. Rubber sleeves around the shower head protect the user from impact injuries.
The ball valves used are highly robust. They guarantee flawless functionality of the body and eye shower in an emergency.
The highest quality materials are used for body and eye showers, such as stainless steel, brass and specialist plastics. The robust and carefully thought-out construction is designed for the harsh everyday industrial environment and requires little space.
Selected body and eye showers are also available as a coated version for aggressive environments. The polyester powder coating is resistant to many acids and alkalis.
The basic obligations of the employer are laid down in the Occupational Health and Safety Act § 3. He is obliged to take the necessary occupational safety measures. Section 39 of the Workplace Ordinance stipulates that workplaces must have the necessary first aid equipment. Regulations applicable to Europe are laid down in EN 15154. This standard is divided into five parts:
The emergency showers in the range at DENIOS UK are well made and designed to comply with the latest EN 15154 legislation. Once they have been properly installed in the correct locations, they can be safely used for decontamination purposes. Regular cleaning is necessary to maintain the safety of the showers, with additional cleaning required if the shower has been used.
Good maintenance is essential for long-term safety, so ensure that your health and safety strategy includes regular tests of the safety equipment to keep it in the best possible condition. The recommended interval for tests is once a month but consult individual manufacturer’s guidelines to make sure that the emergency shower that you purchase is being checked regularly enough. Also, make sure that all workers are aware of how to report any wear and tear that they notice between inspections.
With speed being so essential, an emergency shower should be installed close to where contact with hazardous substances is likely to take place. The emergency showers at DENIOS UK have a number of mounting options to suit different circumstances, such as a Full Body and Eye Shower, which can be floor mounted, a Full Body Wall Mounted Shower, a Full Body Ceiling Mounted Shower or a Stainless Steel Over Door Mounted Body Shower.
Contact with hazardous substances can occur outdoors as well as in. If that is likely to be the case on your premises, or if space requirements simply make it more convenient to site the emergency shower outdoors, purchase a Heated Full Body Shower, which is frost-proof.
When deciding where to install the body and eye shower on your premises, there are a number of factors to consider. These include practical issues such as access to the water supply and considering how the water is to be heated. The shower needs to be situated close to hazardous areas and be fully accessible. Obstacles that cause even a few seconds delay in getting to the safety shower can result in increased severity of injury. It is also important that the emergency shower is fully visible, with clear signage provided so that even those who are not familiar with the premises can locate the safety shower easily if required.
All emergency showers should be serviced and cleaned regularly - at least every 6 months. Furthermore, they must be checked regularly (at least once a month or according to the manufacturer's specifications) to ensure that they are functioning properly.
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